Tuesday 27 January 2015

cookie by Jacqueline Wilson review by Freya Blundel 🐢

Cookie- by Jacqueline Wilson 

 Beauty (Cookie) has a very wealthy family but sometimes her dad has been annoyed at work and he has a horrible fit . . . Beauty and her mum are frightened of him at times. he slapped her her mum once ,not a nice thing to do.

If you like reading about family night-mares this could be the book for you!
This is a similar type of book to some of her other books on family's.
Girls fiction
recommended for 7-11 years of age

Ruby Redfort: Feel the Fear - by Lauren Child, review by Freya Blundel

Ruby Redfort , feel the fear
Ruby a thirteen year old girl, who liked bubble gum and flavoured milk ( banana was her fave at the moment) was not like any other child…..  
Ruby was one of Spectrums best code-breaking agents (alive) she came to be there after the DEATH  of Bradly Baker, a hero to Ruby in all sort of ways. L B was the head of spectrum and she can turn a bad thing into a good thing and does this to Ruby a lot .

I recommend this book because it is a good read if you like a bit of drama or maybe you like super spies?
Recommended for girls – main character is a girl –

Age 7-12 

by Freya Blundel

Monday 26 January 2015

The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle, a book report by Louis Meikle

This enchanting book is great for anyone who likes adventure and wildlife.

The story is told by a young boy, Tommy, a cobbler's* son, who meets the Doctor when he is trying to help a squirrel with a broken leg. The Doctor's house is full of animals and he has even got a private zoo in his garden. They become great friends and go on a long voyage together. The Doctor can talk to animals and with his colleagues he adventures to a very unusual island by boat and meets some very special people - there's an Indian naturalist* called Long Arrow, and the people who live on Spidermonkey island.

The descriptions are really good, here is one describing the colonel using a simile: "He was all wrapped up in smart overcoats and mufflers and brightly coloured gloves. It was not a very cold day but he had so many clothes on, he looked like a pillow inside a roll of blankets."

My favourite animal in the book is Jip the dog, because he is funny, he makes up jokes. The Doctor teaches Tommy to speak the languages of lots of animals. There are not very many pictures in the book but when there is one they are really good. There are some words I didn't understand but there are footnotes that tell you what they are.

The book is set in the time before computers. Hugh Lofting wrote Doctor Dolittle during the First World War.

If you're looking for a longish but exciting book to read, this is the book for you!

* A cobbler is someone who fixes boots and shoes
* A naturalist is someone who likes finding out about nature

Sunday 25 January 2015

Diary of a wimpy kid: The Long Haul By Jeff Kinney. Review by Helena Ratcliffe.

The long Haul is one of the new diary of a wimpy kid books.
Its about Greg and his family going on a big car trip like in one of his mum's magazines
but because his mum hates fast food she made it a big disaster....

His dad also wanted to use his boat so they had to tow it along too.

I think you shoud read this book because everyone can read it, its a book with lots of
pitures and big writing.

Its really cool!!!
 Have fun reading!

The super amazing adventure of me,pig.-Emer Stamp By Helena Ratcliffe

The super amazing adventures of me pig is about a pig who goes on lots of adventures
Pig lives in a farm with a friend called duck. (There are sheep and cows as well.)
And this time he meets a cat. Her name is kitty but soon pig and duck find out that
kitty is evil...

In the last series, pig's farmer wanted to eat him so he blasted him and his farmer wife up into space.
So he got a new farm and some vegetarian farmers came to run the farm.

I think you should read this book because it is very funny and just as you have to go you have
something to look forward too when you get home!!!!

The girl who walked on air-Emma Carol. By Helena Ratcliffe

The girl who walked on air is a story about a girl called Louie in the circus.

When Louie was a baby , her mother was too sick to look after her so she put him on the doorstep of
her old circus where she used to perform.

Louie grew up in the circus life as a baby. Soon she grew and grew until she was old enough to sell the tickets.   Her friend Jasper (who was much older than her) was a showstopper. He would perform
every time the circus was on. But one day Jasper was doing a tripple summersault on a trapeze when
suddenly he fell to the ground. Lucky Jasper was ok but he was still hurt badly.

I liked the book because it was all about circus life and I also really like it because its quite a big book and it takes alot of time to read it and I like that...

I think you should read this book because its really good if you like reading long books.

Monday 19 January 2015

The Fire Within by Chris de Lacey. Review by Isobel J

This book is about a boy called David Rain. He goes to lodge at the Pennykettles house because there are no spaces in the dormitories at Scrubbly College. Liz Pennykettle and her daughter Lucy make clay dragons, some of which they keep and some of which they sell at market.
Liz makes David a dragon called Gadzooks. Gadzooks is a writing dragon. David has to take care of Gadzooks or his spark will go out. Lucy is mad about squirrels, especially grey ones and keeps a lookout for the squirrels who used to live in the oak tree in the middle of Wayward Crescent. She wants to find one squirrel, who she has named Conker, because a crow called Cartarcus poked out Conker's right eye.
David finds out about the dragons and that Liz is a descendant of Guinevere, Saviour of Dragons. He discovers that all of the dragons in the Pennykettle household have the power to fly around and set fire to things when you are not looking.

This is the first book in a series and was very good. I would strongly recommend it to children between the ages of  9 and 11. It has a really good ending and I think you will be satisfied!

Opal Plumstead by Jacqueline Wilson. Review by Isobel J

Opal Plumstead is about a girl who lives in Edwardian times. She has a scholarship to go to University but has to give it up when her Dad is sent to jail because he wrote a cheque that he did not have the money for. Opal has to start work in the Fairy Glen sweet factory. At first Opal works in the starch mould room with hateful Patty, making the moulds for the Fairy Glen Fancy Fondants. She makes friends with the factory owner, Mrs Roberts and goes to her suffragette meeting where she meets Emily Pankhurst. She falls in love with Mrs Roberts son, Morgan and moves up to chocolate box lid painting. She paints fairies on the boxes. At first this gets Opal into trouble but she then gets moved up to senior lid painter.

I think you should read this book if you like stories about history, suffragettes, battles with teachers and friendship. I recommend this book strongly to girls (or boys) from 8 to 11 and over.

Be warned the ending is a bit sad. :( ):