Sunday 9 November 2014

Doctor Judy Moody, Megan McDonald by Vittoria kingham

In this story there is a girl called Judy Moody,  she has a medical mood because she loves things about doctors. She does not like school but she likes playing tricks on her brother called Stink.  
During this school term she was lucky because their topic was about the human body. They learnt songs , spelling and words.They had a school trip at the hospital and learnt names of  bones and other interesting stuff. I hope this makes you read the book because I found it exiting ad I could not put it down.

                                                    Doctor Judy Moody  by Megan McDonald  P/B Book By Vittoria Kingham

1 comment:

  1. It is always good to know when you haven't been able to put a book down! Mrs Armstrong
