Saturday 1 November 2014

The great hamster massacre-by Kate Davies review by Tom Akerman

This book is full of death, beware!!!!!!!!

This book is about a girl who has a cat and really wants some hamsters. Her family had another cat but it died and they replaced it with a new cat which they did not like. The girl's Nan lived with them and she said that she would give them 6 hamsters if she could, but she could not because she was not in charge. One sad day their Nan died and then their Mum said that she would get two hamsters. One night the girl was in bed when she heard a scream. The awful fact was that the hamsters had some babies but they were all dead and one of the adult hamsters had escaped  and the other adult one's leg had been cut off. This book is about finding out who did these gruesome things. And the person who did this all was.... sorry you are going to have to read it to find out.

Katie Davies. The Great Hamster Massacre

1 comment:

  1. A good ending to your review, Tom. Now I want to know the answer! Mrs Armstrong
